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Important information: For all types of complaints, you must be able to point to an actual error. Therefore keep the defective product - do not throw it away or use it. Original packaging must always be kept as there are codes on the boxes that we must have. offers a 6-month guarantee on all cigarettes, mods and tanks.

It is important that you as a customer check your delivery directly upon receipt to verify that this is correct and error-free. is always responsible for return shipping when it comes to damaged, incorrectly sent products or complaints. Should it turn out that there is no defect in the submitted product that is reviewed, a fee for work, shipping and costs for coils and the like that has been used for troubleshooting can be collected.

If a complaint has been submitted to us and we have reviewed it but do not receive a response from the customer by phone, sms or email, the product will be destroyed after 2 months. This means that you as a customer lose your right to compensation. The same terms apply to an approved complaint if we do not get in touch with the customer.

It is very important for returns, but extra important for complaints that you pack the product / products in a safe way. This means good packaging, emptying of e-juice and making sure the products are turned off. In this way, injuries during transport are avoided. Should returns / complaints come to us without it having been sent in a responsible manner and damage has occurred in transport as a result, the complaint will not be approved.

If you want to send a product to us on a complaint, write to our Support at

You will find the complaint form here

If you want to return a product that has been incorrectly purchased or incorrectly sent, write to our Support at In this way, we get your return registered before it is submitted. After this, download the return form and fill it out.

You will find the return form here

If you want to regret your purchase, write to our Support at In this way, we get registered in our system that you want to exercise the right of withdrawal. This is important to document for your own part as a consumer. After you have contacted us, you download the right of withdrawal form and fill in this.

You will find the right of withdrawal form here

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